Pharmacy First Service

Free* Advice and Treatments at your local participating pharmacy for 7 common conditions, without the need to see your GP.

NHS Pharmacy First Service near me

The NHS Pharmacy First Service offers free advice and treatment for seven different conditions through local participating pharmacies in England. Eligible patients can access free expert advice and treatment without the need to see their GP.

Simply search for your nearest participating pharmacy and book a Pharmacy First Service online within minutes.

Pharmacy First Services

The Pharmacy First Service in England is designed to offer access to advice and treatments, where clinically appropriate, for the following seven conditions. Eligibility criteria apply to each condition.

Uncomplicated UTI
Uncomplicated UTI

Uncomplicated UTI

Sore throat
Sore throat

Sore throat





Infected insect bites
Infected insect bites

Infected insect bites



Earache (Children)
Earache (Children)

Earache (Children)

Featured Pharmacies

Select a pharmacy from our featured list of participating branches in the Pharmacy First Service. Click on the pharmacy to view details and book an appointment.

How can you access the Pharmacy First Service?

If you have symptoms suggestive of one of the seven conditions included in the Pharmacy First Service, you can book an appointment with a local participating pharmacy without the need for a referral. You may also be referred by your doctor surgery or another healthcare professional to a participating pharmacy for expert advice and treatment, if clinically appropriate.

Why is your local community pharmacy ideally placed to provide the Pharmacy First Service in England?

As experts in medicine, pharmacists are highly qualified healthcare professionals with experience in advising on the treatment of common conditions. Participating pharmacies have completed additional training to offer safe and convenient access to expert advice and treatment for the seven conditions included in the Pharmacy First Service, without the need to see your GP.

Find innovative private health services near you and book online

You can find details of the services below and book an appointment with your nearest clinic online.

Travel clinic

Travel clinic

  • Expert private travel vaccinations
  • Non-travel vaccinations and antimalarials
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Vitamin B12 injection service

Vitamin B12 injection service

  • Professional service provided by healthcare professionals
  • Effective way to boost your vitamin B12 levels
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